"Out of Order"
Feb 19-21; 27-29 2004
"Out of Order" played to rave reviews and sold out houses. "I laughed so hard my face hurt" was a common lament!
"Out of Order", a contemporary play written in 1990, takes place in a suite at the Westminster Hotel in London. Richard Willey, a Junior Minister in Margaret Thatcher’s government, has checked into the hotel but is supposed to be attending an all night session of Parliament. Instead he has arranged a rendezvous with a secretary of a minister from the opposing party, a Miss Jane Worthington. Their ardor is quickly dampened when they find a man stuck in the window of their suite, his neck apparently broken by the window falling closed as he was trying to crawl through. Since reporting the man’s death would be proof of their tryst, Richard convinces Jane to hide the body so he can call his able-bodied assistant George Pigden to take care of it.
George arrives, and with the help of a past-his-prime waiter they seem to have things in control, despite the interfering Manager of the hotel, who is intent on getting Richard to Parliament. Everything takes on a whole new spin with the arrival of Jane’s husband, Ronnie, Richard’s wife, Pamela, and the Nurse George hired to take care of his aging mother. How the plot is resolved is a classic bit of British comedy, reminiscent of Benny Hill and Monty Pytho
Cast (in order of appearance)
Richard Willey .....................Tom Badowski
The Manager ......................... Bryan Wockley
The Waiter ........................... Sal Spinosa
Jane Worthington............... Nina Brennan
A Body.................................. . Martin Pincus
George Pigden...................... Mykal Parrish
The Maid.............................. Kitty Werner
Ronnie ................................... Adam Tyksinski
Pamela ................................... Blaine Laskowski
Gladys.................................. Andra Kisler
Director...........................Josh Krushenick
Assistant Director............Kathy Anderson
Producer.........................Ruth Ann Pattee
Set Design...................... Ruth Ann Pattee, Josh Krushenick
Set Construction: ..............Tom Badowski, Spencer Dumas, Andra Kisler, Laura Pratt, Sal Spinosa, Adam Tyksinski
Set Decoration .................Laura Pratt, Andra Kisler
Backstage Crew ..............Kathy Anderson, Laura Pratt
Light & Sound Operator ...Jake Barickman
Costumes ..........................Nina Brennan, Ruth Ann Pattee
Playbill Design & Layout ....Jennifer Howard
Ad Sales ............................Kitty Werner, Ruth Ann Pattee
Photography .......................Kitty Werner
Tickets, Ushers ...................Carole Baldwin, Linda & Peter Brownell, Joyce Crabtree, Tony Egan, Michael & Sherry LeMay, Betty Maguire, Colleen Mays, Deb Spinosa